Healing for the Nations International Convention 2023: Deliverance Comes from God (Esther 6:3) on May 09, 2023 through May 14, 2023. Hosted by Reverend Dr. Medad & Connie Birungi of World Shine Ministries.
Healing for the Nations International Convention 2023: Deliverance Comes from God (Esther 6:3) on May 09, 2023 through May 14, 2023. Hosted by Reverend Dr. Medad & Connie Birungi of World Shine Ministries.
Venue: World Shine Foundation School in Rwentobo.
Thousands gathered for this Annual Convention with great expectation, along with international guest speakers from the USA, Rwanda, Zambia, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Cameroon, and Finland.